The (net)work of mourning: emotional contagion, viral performativity, and the death of David Bowie


  • Peta Mitchell Queensland University of Technology
  • Axel Bruns Queensland University of Technology
  • Felix Victor Münch Queensland University of Technology

Palabras clave:

emotional contagion, social media, celebrity death, public mourning


In this paper, we examine the networked spread of mass mourning on Twitter in the wake of David Bowie’s death in January 2016. We focus on a corpus of 6.3 million tweets containing the keyword ‘Bowie’, collected using the Twitter Capture and Analysis Toolkit (TCAT) over 15 days following the confirmation of Bowie’s death (from 7.12 am GMT on 11 January to 5.48 am GMT on 26 January). By examining how particular mourning practices and mourning artifacts (e.g., images, links) spread across and through the network after Bowie’s death, we will map in a more refined way the dynamics of emotional contagion around this particular instance of mass-mourning, and suggest ways that this method of analysis adds to existing understandings of mediated celebrity death and public grief.




Cómo citar

Mitchell, P., Bruns, A., & Münch, F. V. (2016). The (net)work of mourning: emotional contagion, viral performativity, and the death of David Bowie. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 6. Recuperado a partir de



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