Social TV: Quantifying the Intersections between Television and Social Media


  • Darryl Woodford Queensland University of Technology
  • Katie Prowd Queensland University of Technology
  • Axel Bruns Queensland University of Technology
  • Jean Burgess Queensland University of Technology
  • Ben Goldsmith Queensland University of Technology
  • Stephen Harrington Queensland University of Technology
  • Jonathan Hutchinson University of Sydney
  • Tim Highfield Queensland University of Technology
  • Dayna Chatman University of Southern California
  • Kevin Driscoll University of Southern California
  • François Bar University of Southern California
  • Alex Leavitt University of Southern California
  • Renxia Wang University of Southern California


This panel brings together a number of key social TV researchers in order to explore the current state of the art in the field and chart the path ahead for scholarly research. Papers presented in this panel (outlined in detail below) will define a new methodological approach to establishing reliable “telemetrics” for social media engagement with television; explore the expectations of television producers and the response by viewers in the context of a specific social TV project on Australian television; map the overlapping footprints of selected television programmes within the overall network of a national Twittersphere. These contributions will document a number of complementary research approaches which in combination serve to outline pathways towards the further development of reliable social TV metrics.




Cómo citar

Woodford, D., Prowd, K., Bruns, A., Burgess, J., Goldsmith, B., Harrington, S., … Wang, R. (2014). Social TV: Quantifying the Intersections between Television and Social Media. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 4. Recuperado a partir de


