Ethical Behaviour, Personal Growth and Becoming a Citizen of the World: the power of online games


  • Natasha Boskic The University of British Columbia

Palabras clave:

Alternate Reality Games, ethics, personal growth, global citizen, leadership


A research study was conducted on an Alternate Reality Game Evoke in spring 2010. The questions explored were around the participants narrative practices, and the potential for players and educators who use similar spaces to develop knowledge and application of critical literacy, as well as grow as individuals in their ethical sensibilities. This paper focuses on players moral functioning in the gameworld, analyzed through a Four-component model, including moral judgment, moral sensitivity, moral motivation and moral action. Based on the model, four different themes emerged as a result of players participation in the game. Those are: becoming a leader, being a good citizen, supporting and understanding others and expressing freedom of speech. All of those demonstrated that immersive gameworlds could provide space for rich, exhilarating, thought-provoking debate and knowledge building.




Cómo citar

Boskic, N. (2011). Ethical Behaviour, Personal Growth and Becoming a Citizen of the World: the power of online games. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 1. Recuperado a partir de


